Saturday, August 31, 2019
Ethics and Information Technology
IMS657 Legal and Ethical Aspect of Information System Importance of ethics among the IT professional Abstract: In work environment, ethics is the common rules or approach for all professionals need to obey in order to achieve a great environment in an organization. Most of people think that ethics and morals is something that share the same meaning but actually they are not. The morals are towards the personal character, while ethics stress a social system in which those morals are applied. In other words, ethics point to standards or codes of behaviours expected by the group to which the individual belongs.The ethics might be national ethics, social ethics, company ethics, professional ethics, or even family ethics. So while a personââ¬â¢s moral code is usually unchanging, the ethics of he or she practices can be others to depend on. This paper is written based on data collection from many sources such as webs, articles, and books. So, this paper will provide an overview on the i mportance of ethics among the IT professionals. Furthermore, it will be explaining the beneficial of applying ethics to IT professionals in order to achieve a good relationship among the workers or team members in an organization.Keyword: Importance of ethics, Ethics, Morals, IT professionals P/S : ABSTRACT N REFERENCE LUM SIAPâ⬠¦ nak check semula nanti .. nie lum check lagi. 1 IMS657 Legal and Ethical Aspect of Information System 1. 0 Introduction Nowadays, as we know that, information technology becomes the famous things in the world because most of technology makes our work become clear and it is very useful to the people in order to manage or do something. It is very unique of information technology like mobile device, computer, and so on because it is variety of used to the people directly make the people life more comfortable.But refer to the ethics of information technology professional, it can be seen that on how they used the technology, implement the information techno logy and built for it. In the short term definition, information technology is the technology that is used to process the data. Like nowadays, we used the computer devices to process the data within the organization or out of the organization or the company. Nevertheless, when we come up with the information technology professional, we will want to know the ethics I order to used the information technology either it is good ethics or the bad ethics.There, ethics is referring to the behavior or moral of the individual people in daily life. It is very crucial things that need to know because it can show the achievement of the individual or organization goals and objectives. Actually, ethics make us become more disciplines because we need to follow the rules and procedures of the organization. Ethics among information technology professional can be defines as the attitude of information technology professional in order to accomplish something based on their behavior. It is because base d on their behavior, it can show their successful either they can achieve the goals or not.It is depends on the level of ethics strangeness. Information technology professional must have high of motivation or ethics in them self because they faced with the information technology where they need facing on the information technology which can process the data that need to manage, analyze, design, implement, control, maintenance and storing. It is mostly referring to the hardware that is familiar to process the data or information like computer. As the information technology professional, sometimes they need to face with any challenges when their work in order to accomplish something work that need to be done.It is the problem that the information technology professional in their profession. When the challenges or any issues that they need to faced, information 2 IMS657 Legal and Ethical Aspect of Information System technology professional need to try the best to find the solution to o vercome their problem and it is their roles and responsibilities. It is mostly refer to the ethics of information technology professional on how they handle some issues or any challenges in their work or job. 2. 0Methodology In completing this term paper, primary and secondary literatures are used to enable in depth understanding of the importance ethics among information technology professional. For the primary literatures in order to complete this term paper, mostly I used observation method by review all the article that is related to the ethics among information technology professional. Besides that, I used secondary data where I refer to the sources that are related to the topic that I focused on such as books, article journals, internet sources and so on.From the primary and secondary literature, I know about the challenges that are faced by information technology professional and the issues that are come up today. From the challenges or the issues, information technology prof essional need to think on how to overcome the problem that they need to faced and find the alternative or the solution to overcome it. It is based on their behavior on how they can settle their problem. The primary and secondary literature method that are used, is very crucial thing to know on what happened among the information technology professional that are based on their behavior or ethics. IMS657 Legal and Ethical Aspect of Information System 3. 0 Definitions and concept of ethics There are various definitions of ethics. According to the Britz, J. J. which come from department of Information Science University of Pretoria, he defines ethics as the individual action either good or bad and he told that ethics in the general term which make the people come as the fully human. He prefer to the use of technology that are threat to the right of privacy of a person. As a person, ethics is very importance thing in our daily activities.As we know that, ethics is referring to the variou s styles. Maybe, ethics might be as the national ethics, social ethics, company ethics, and family ethics and can be professional ethics. What is ethics? According to Sir Aristotle which is the famous philosopher, ethics is the custom, character or the habit of a person and in the simplest word; it can be defined as the system of the moral principles. It is worked out from human reason and experience by human action that determines either right or wrong. But, a sociologist like Dr.Raymond Baumhart said that ethics is can be divided into two divisions which is rights, obligations, benefit to the society, fairness of specifics virtue. It is refer to the moral beliefs. Secondly, ethics refer to the study and development of the standards of the ethical. So, ethics told that on how the people lead their lives and making the decisions. Today, we know that everybody needs to be fast and smart. For the information technology professional money is very importance thing but not in their caree r life.It is means that, career as the information technology professional will followed by their effort directly money is their reward on their effort. For the powerful organizations, information technology professional mostly refer to the ethics as the guidelines to achieve the goal of an organization. According to the Jefferson, guideline is crucial things because ethical principles that are provided will assist them in the many of the professional decisions they will make. Lacovino stated that ethics is the reasoned process but not just how we feel about something because it can be a habitual when we set a value to apply consistently.Some of the researcher defined the ethics as the agent where it refers to the agent processes or action. When we come up with the professional ethics, means that what the person who is professional should do or should not do within the organization or outside the organization. That are stated by Mclarty (2007) but Worthington (2008) told that in dev eloping any information 4 IMS657 Legal and Ethical Aspect of Information System technology, professional ethical issues can be occur. Nowadays, the modern world, all the services like internet allow people to connect quickly to the information technology system.So, Worthington states that professionals are more likely to confront ethical issues when dealing with the internet and World Wide Web (WWW). In this term paper, I mostly focused to the importance of ethics among information technology professional. When we talk about the information technology professional, it will focus on computer professional field. Being the IT professional, it is must be good certificates in information technology with their knowledge and their skill. It is the powerful tool for providing job and the business opportunities and for meeting challenges in information technology field.First, the importance of ethics among information technology professional is responsible to ensure that computer technology does not used in the wrong ways which can harm people, environment and the society. That why information technology professional need to be fair, loyal, honest and have ethical in its practices because they want to be an employee where they work for an organization and make the organization become success. With the good ethics or behavior among IT professional, they will work comfortably without feel tired on their job and responsible in term of care of the data or information in the system.With the ethics of the employee directly they can contribute better for an organization. Besides that, the importance thing among the information technology professional is access the data. According to Gordana (2003), to perform the computer or information technology professional job, they will require to access the data only in order to complete their task that they want to do. Besides that, to complete their task, they are very careful in order to use the right time to complete their task beca use they will plan better first so that each of the task can be settle step by step.It is also because of the thinking of the information technology professional which is very high level thinking by using the technology that are provided in an organization or they own technology. Therefore, quality of the data that they want to access is the factor that they should consider so that the task must be done properly in a good manner. So, in order to do the task by information technology professional, they will not concern at all whether the task or the job is complete or not and without any concentration that are cause by improper ethics education. The other importance of ethics among information echnology professional is the procedure of information technology process that will keep in secret. According to Dahlbom and Mathiasan, information technology 5 IMS657 Legal and Ethical Aspect of Information System professional just only participate in development the task, it objective and the context explicitly. For the information technology professional, it is very importance things for big organization in order to survive the industry because they have own strategy that need to do or any benchmark which it can be the key success of the business today for them.Allocated the resources is also the importance of ethics among the information technology professional. They must be professional and more responsible and punctual in complete the task that they need do and need to be done properly. It is because information technology professional like computer professional, just only take part in project with the time and the resources that are assigned which can make it possible to deliver a good job.Nevertheless, living in this era or modern information technology will happen something that are very wrong through the law which is computer crime and it is the one of the problems that need to be faced by information technology where it can attack an organization in term of vir uses and hackers that getting widespread over the years it is because Bynum (2001) stated that logical security can be divided into five aspects such as consistency by ensuring the data and behaviour can being see today and same with tomorrow, privacy and confidentially, controlling the access to the resources, not modified the data and the programs without proper authority in integrity and last but not list is in aspect unimpaired service. As we know that nowadays, there are many malicious kids of software that being used to access certain system without authorization. Viruses, Trojan horse, worms and logic bombs are some of the example that can harm the computer system in an organization. It is show that unethical action happened there which could make breaking the company system and could be penalized due to the unauthorized access.Because of that, information technology professional should be concerns on the ethics that should be apply in information technology themselves or the professional people who involved computer science so that, they could achieve a great environment information technology industries. At the same time, it can improved performance an individual in information technology field. Other than that, the importance of ethics among the information technology professional also will increase of respect among the professional people. When talk about the respect it is come from the cooperation between the team member which contribute to the development of the project that should be do by them and the 6 IMS657 Legal and Ethical Aspect of Information System evelopers of the system understand the users needs because from that, information technology can find the opportunities in order to develop some of the project to fulfil the user requirements. Besides that, ethics in information technology professional can leads the user or customer satisfaction. As an example, computer professional will develop the systems that are related to the technology i n order to satisfy the interest of the users and directly can bring the good work environment by develop system. it will show that the performance of an organization if the information technology involve under the organization and make them become more professional in term of manage of information technology that are very importance in each of an organization in the world. 4. 0Ethics conceptual Theory Ethical theory provides framework to get at underlying rationale, classify and understand arguments and defend conclusion about right and wrong that have in ethical perspectives. Deontology People should follow to their obligations and duties when analyzing an ethical dilemma and it is very consistent decisions. Utilitarianism The ability to predict the sequences of action in order to determine which choice is Ethical Theory more beneficial. Right It is considered to be ethically correct and valid to the society. Virtue Judge a person by the character rather than by an action they may clash from the normal behavior. 7 IMS657 Legal and Ethical Aspect of Information SystemFigure 1: Ethics Theory All the ethical theory or concept above is define by the people who is expert in information technology profession or sociologist that are concern with the ethics and it is very importance that need to apply in information technology professional. 5. 0 Challenges in Encouraging Ethical Behaviors among Information technology professional. There are several common challenges in developing ethical in information technology professional. Information technology needs to alert with their surrounding because many challenges that they need to faced when they complete their task within the organization. Below are the challenges that are faced by information technology professional in managed their information technology equipment and services. 5. Facing with computer crimes As we know that, nowadays is the modern world. Therefore, all the technology that is used today mostly shows t he advanced technology. We know that media technology or the communication technology is very familiar to the people and the importance things is to the organization that are used the technology to implement and maintained the task in order to achieve the goals of an organization. But, when we deal with the advanced technology, the information technology professional need to be careful by used they ethical in term of complete the task. In this times, there are most of computer viruses and added with the hacker which also known as international spy.Here, the computer security is the crucial thing that needs to consider in the field of computer ethics by the information technology professional. By the way, the problem that is faced by them is not on the physical security but in term of logical security like privacy and confidentially, controlling access to the resources and so on. Hackers which are the person who breaks into someone computer system without any permission directly can steal the data of an organization or privacy information. 5. 2 Intellectual property rights connected with software ownership. In this aspect of challenges ethics or the right. Many people think that software should be own able.Intellectual property is the one of the controversial areas of computer ethics. Some people think that software ownership not be allowed 8 IMS657 Legal and Ethical Aspect of Information System at all and all the information should be free, all programs should be available for copying. In term of that, it is very wrong ways according o the laws that are provided. As the information technology professional ethics, they need to know who take their intellectual property properly. 5. 3 Computer condition in the workplace that need to be concern As the information technology professional, the challenges that they faced is condition of the computer itself.Because of the computer always run to manage the data that are store in the system and to implement the data, ma ybe it will make the system down because the computer itself does not rest. When the system down happened that will make the information technology professional lack of ethics in order to monitor the system. 5. 4 Information privacy Privacy is the one of the computer ethics that need to be develop by public interest. The efficiency of the computer network can be used to gather the information, store, and search and retrieved the information making the computer technology treating anyone to keep various kind of information that are privacy.It is the challenges also that are faced by the information technology professional especially sensitive information like medical record. Because nowadays, the people think so far in order to get the information and make it as the basic information that is not importance. It is because of the hacker that wants the information. Therefore, information privacy nowadays also does not secure in hundred percent. 5. 5 Globalization In term of globalizatio n, computer ethics today is rapidly involved in more importance field. It is also can be known a global information ethics. Global networks like internet will connect people all over the world. Globalization refers to the variety of used like global cyber business, global education and so on.The world is very close to the technology which can provide electronic privacy and security on the interne in order to connect the international business transactions. This challenges is very familiar nowadays, because in 9 IMS657 Legal and Ethical Aspect of Information System transaction of the business today cheating and fraud in business always happened. 6. 0 Recommendations to address the challenges in encouraging ethical behaviors among information technology professional In response to the challenges that are stated above, several recommendations are proposed as follow: 6. 1 Government should have a strict action with the computer crime. To address the challenges, I recommended that govern ment of each country in the world should be strict to the computer crime based on the computer crime act.There, people who involved in the investigation of the computer crime should find the people who do the wrong things in using computer until the people who make computer crime can be punished so that we can reduced the number of computer crime directly make it very clear. There, no give up action should behave but always find the ways on how to catch them. 6. 2 Discuss with the team member In this point, that I recommend, means that all the information technology professional that are deal with the information technology, should discuss everything about the problem or the challenges that they faced in manage the technology and the system. For example, when people used t software and sale that software without any permission of the software ownership, they could discuss about it on their intellectual property on how to take the action to the people who wrong in that situation.From the discussion with the team member, it will provide more decision and the best decision will be used to settle that problem. That is the good ethics when working in the group as the information technology professional. 6. 3 Told the society about the act of privacy We know that, government today implement the act of privacy but the society does not know about the act anymore. It is because the society today lack of information that they should know. When we told them about the act of 10 IMS657 Legal and Ethical Aspect of Information System privacy, they will know what might be right and what might be wrong. From there, the act of privacy will be clear to the society. 6. 4Motivate the information technology professional In order to motivate the information technology professional, the top management in an organization should lead them in order to motivate them. Top management in an organization should remind the information technology professional when they do their job or work. It s very importance thing to do where the top manager alert with the leadership style or skill in each of the organization. Top manager should support their staff so that they will motivate to accomplish the task that is given. 6. 5 Organized seminar Some of the organization should organize the seminar o that all people involved in the seminar programmed.Especially, seminar about the information technology professional where the audience of the seminar will focus on the information technology department in term of tell about the ethics of information technology professional includes their roles and responsible. Told them on how to faced the problem or any challenges and on how to overcome it immediately. 11 IMS657 Legal and Ethical Aspect of Information System 7. 0 Conclusion As the conclusion, by applying the ethics among the information technology, it will make the organization become more success and will make the individual become more talent when deal with something issues and a ny challenges that they need to face. By the ethics in themselves, will make them more professional in handling the information technology directly deals with the user or customer of the system.So, ethics is a set of principle that should have in all the people itself but not just only in information technology professional only. The importance of ethics among information technology professional should be concern by the people so that the environment of information technology become more special to the user and people who in charge on it. By applying the ethics also, we could determine that the right and wrong of an individual action. But, it is depending to the situation that is faced by the people. Therefore, with the ethics, information technology can avoid from the unethical action like unauthorized access, plagiarism, disturbing people privacy hacking the information and etc. ecause of that, information technology profession, need to concern the code of ethics so that the indiv idually performance could be improve and directly improve the company or organization itself in order to achieve the organization goals, vision, mission and objectives. 12 IMS657 Legal and Ethical Aspect of Information System 8. 0 References Bynum. (2001). Computer and information ethics. Retrieved April 10, 2013 from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/ethics-computer/#ComCri Lacovino. (2002). Ethical principles and information professionals: Theory, practice and education. Retrieved April 10, 2013 from http://www. alia. org. au/publishing/aarl/33. 2/full. text/iacovino. html Worthington. (2008). Ethics for ICT professionals. Retrieved April 11, 2013 from http://www. tomw. net. au/technology/it/ictethics. shtml 13
Children Obesity Essay
The problem of childhood obesity in the United States has grown considerably in recent years. Between 16 and 33 percent of children and adolescents are obese.From Environmental Health Perspectives website, the recent data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey estimate 17% of youths ages 2-19 years old to be overweight compare to just 5% a few decades ago(ââ¬Å"Child obesityâ⬠). This data shows we should act urgently to rescue children because the percentage of child obesity is increasing rapidly.According to website, using the BMI (Body Mass Index) calculation, overweight is between 25-30, obese is 30-40 and extremely obese is 40 and up. This calculation is a height and weight comparison (BMI = weight in pounds X 705 / height in inches squared). By usingbody fat analysis, for a womanââ¬â¢s obesity starts about 33% body fat, for a man, it is about 24%(ââ¬Å"How do you knowâ⬠).Weight and shape of children are affected by hereditary factors from their parents. However, most of unhealthy weight gain is due to poor diet. Children who have obesity have bad habits; for example, they prefer to eat fast food such as hamburgers with french fries and coke than healthy food such as vegetable and multi-grains. Fast food is very tempting to children and theirparents because of its cheap price, taste, and convenience. The reason children like hamburgers is high levels of salt and sugar content found in most fast food items. So far, unhealthy food leads children to become obese which causes various health problems. Overweight children, when compared to healthy weight children, are more likely to develop many health problems such as depression, diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, which are associated with heart disease in adults. Thepurpose of this paper is to reviewhow children obesity effects on physical and mental health. First, children obesity and overweight have been found to be at an increased risk of depression. Obese children get stress from change of their body shape, perspectives from other peopleââ¬â¢s awareness that leads to poor self-esteem or social phobia which are related to the cause of depression. [ì ¶Å"ì ²Ë][ë ¹âë §Å'ìš °Ã¬Å¡ ¸Ã¬ ¦ ] ë ¹âë §Å'ê ³ ¼Ã¬Å¡ °Ã¬Å¡ ¸Ã¬ ¦ , ë ¹âë §Å'ê ³ ¼Ã¬Å¡ °Ã¬Å¡ ¸Ã¬ ¦ ì Ëê ´â¬Ãª ³â ââ¬â ìž ì⹠¤Ã¬Å ¤Ã ¬Ã¬ ¸ ì ¢â¦Ã⢠©Ã¬Æ' ê °â¬Ã¬Å ¤Ã ¼|ìžâì⠱ìž spom4237236The following article, ââ¬Å"Childhood Obesity and Depression: Connection Between These Growing Problems in Growing Children,â⬠shows how depression is diagnosed in youths. Youthbecome depress if they gain weight more than they expected. Also, obesity and overweight are connected to sleep problem which is associated with increased risk of depression. In study of 400 adolescents with a primary diagnosis of major depressive disorder, change in sleep was most common symptom remaining depression in youths. Relationship between sleep and obesity is intervened at least in part by insulin resistance. In a study of obese children, insulin was connected with shorter sleep duration according to thepolysomnography (Reeves M. G., Postolache T. T., Snitker S.).In addition, that child obesity cause depression is obesity makes children a target for bullying. According to Medscape Medical News, ââ¬Å"Obese children are more likely to be bullied than their non-obese peers regardless of sex, race, socioeconomic status, social skills, or academic achievementâ⬠(Harrison).Because childhood and adolescent are a sensitive period, and they focus on otherââ¬â¢s appearance, obese children can be targeted of bullying that makes them get hurt and depress. To prevent the depression, children need to eat health food and exercise. In addition to obesity causes depression, the second health problem is obesity causes diabetes. The dietary habits of obese children are eating a lot of sugar and salt which are excessive caloric intake. Being obese means you have more fatty tissue, having more fatty tissue causes the body to become insulin resistant and becoming insulin resistant causes the body to put on more weight. Becoming more insulin resistant and at a certain level of resistance, it becomes known as diabetes. Obese children also are twice as likely to have diabetes than children who are of normal weight, according to a new study from the University of Michigan Health System. The study, published in the February issue of Diabetes Care, is the most recent national study to estimate the prevalence of children with diabetes. It found that more than 229,000 children, approximately 3.2 cases for every 1,000 American children under the age of 18, currently have diabetes. And one-third of those children are obese(ââ¬Å"Obese Children Twiceâ⬠). Obesity causes the build-up of fats around cell walls. The liver loses the ability for the metabolism of glucose. Glucose is supplied with the help of the insulin hormone. In essence, obesity reduces the bodyââ¬â¢s ability to use insulin properly. A glucose build up is deposited in the urine.In addition, diabetes is explained from Washington University in St. Louis website. Diabetes mellitus is a group of disorders that have in common high blood sugar and the risk of damage to tissues and organs. There are two major types: Type1, juvenile diabetes and Type 2, adult-onset diabetes. In Type 1 diabetes, the cells of the pancreas that make insulin are destroyed. Often, the bodyââ¬â¢s immune system destroys these cells, sort of like friendly fire. Without insulin, blood sugar rises and complications occur. Lifelong insulin treatment is required. In Type 2 diabetes, organs and tissues are resistant to insulin; that is, more insulin is needed to have the same effect. When the insulin-making cells can no longer keep up with the extra insulin needed, blood sugar becomes high and diabetes occurs (ââ¬Å"Obesity, Type 2 diabetesâ⬠). Overall, children should avoid eatingso muchunhealthy food that contain of high sugar, salt and fat that causes diabetesto continue into adulthood. In addition to obesity causes diabetes, the third health problem is obese puts children at risk for high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure that cause heart disease. Childrenââ¬â¢s diets have changed dramaticallybecause it is influenced by television commercials and the convenience of fast foods that have too much sugar and salt that leads high cholesterol level. In ââ¬Å"Cholesterol in Childhoodâ⬠by Vincent Iannelli, M.D., the author reported ââ¬Å"The effects of cardiovascular disease is something that will especially be a problem once an overweight child grows up, when he will be at risk for a heart attack or stroke.â⬠Also, the article exposes children who have heart disease with high cholesterol was 2.3 times as likely to have died early. These factsgive a warning to how obesity is related to serious health problem to children. The connection between high cholesterol and high blood pressure was explained on website, ââ¬Å"Cholesterol is a soft waxy material in the blood that mixes with lipids. It shapes membranes and some hormones but does not dissolve in the blood. Since it does not dissolve, lipoproteins carry it to and from cells. Blood pressure is the force that pushes blood through blood vessels, then to all body organs. When these two functions of the body are not working correctly, it can be devastating to overall health.â⬠(ââ¬Å"Connections Betweenâ⬠).According to website, when there is too much cholesterol in blood, it builds up in the walls of arteries, causing a process called atherosclerosis, a form of heart disease. The arteries become narrowed and blood flow to the heart muscle is slowed down or blocked. The blood carries oxygen to the heart, and if enough blood and oxygen cannot reach the heart, it may cause chest pain (ââ¬Å"Heart diseaseâ⬠).Because ofhigh cholesterol, high blood pressure that are related to the heart disease, obese children need dietary changes and weight loss to help lower their cholesterol. In conclusion, children obesity is an increasingly prevalent health disorder and is of particularly concern because children who are obese are more likely to continue to become obese through adolescence and into adulthood with various health problems. Eating unhealthy food and lack of exercise lead to most of child obesity and overweight. Obesity can cause mental and physical problemsinchildren. According to ââ¬Å"Child obesity ââ¬Ëtime bombââ¬â¢ a threat to life expectancyâ⬠, Food Standards Agency chairman, John Krebs, told: ââ¬Å"We already know that many childrenââ¬â¢s diets contain more fat, sugar and salt than is recommended. We know that the level of obesity in children is rising and, in the words of the chief medical officer, is a health time bomb that could explode.â⬠(Carey). Also, children obesity can be targeted of bullying and give rise to diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart diseases. Also, child obesity has high probability to become an obese adult. Therefore, we need to accept the children obesity as a serious problem in current society in the United States and seek the solutionsto make children free from obesity and being overweight. Works Cited Brown, Joni.ââ¬Å"Connections Between High Blood Pressure & Cholesterolâ⬠., 17 Dec. 2010 Web. 22 May 2012 Carey, Dorothy. ââ¬Å"Child Obesity ââ¬ËTime Bombââ¬â¢ A Threat To Life Expectancy.â⬠Nutridate 15.1 (2004): 8. Web. 22 May 2012. Harrison, Pam. ââ¬Å"Obesity Makes Children a Target for Bullying.â⬠Medscape Medical News. 4 May 2010. Web. 22May 2012. ââ¬Å"Heart Disease and Lowering cholesterolâ⬠,Web. 22 May 2012 Iannelli,Vincent. ââ¬Å"Cholesterol in Childhoodâ⬠, 13November 2011 Web. 22 May 2012 ââ¬Å"Obese Children Twice as likely to have Diabetesâ⬠. University of Michigan, 2 Feb. 2006. Web. 22 May 2012 ââ¬Å"Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes Growing rapidly among Childrenâ⬠. Washington University in St. Louis., 11 March 2005. Web. 22 May 2012 Reeves, Gloria M., Teodor T.Postolache., and Soren Snitker. ââ¬Å"Childhood Obesity and Depression: Connection between these Growing Problems in Growing Children.â⬠NIH Public Access. Aug. 2008. Web. 22 May 2012
Friday, August 30, 2019
Holden Caulfield Diagnostic
Holden Caulfield Medical Diagnosis Holden Caulfield Medical Diagnosis Dear Mister and Misses Caulfield, my name is Dr: Connor Grist and I have been mister Holden Caulfieldââ¬â¢s psychologist over the past couple weeks. Asking him about his life story and what he has gone through. Through his explanation of his life story, I was able to uncover 3 key behavioral characteristics that I believe he suffers from. Through my research, I believe that he suffers he uses profanity laced vocabulary and abusive language often. He is also depressed, sad and disturbed through his life story that he has told me.Finally he is also withdrawn seclusive and friendless because of his inability to overlook flaws in people. This information has let me to diagnose him with Depression-Anxiety. For the time era in which Holden grew up (1970s) he has a very profanity laced vocabulary, which is most likely because of his anxiety and depression. Throughout the book he could have quite possibly said the phras e ââ¬Å"God Damâ⬠more than 100 times. Although this would be more accepted today, a generation or two ago this would have been very frowned upon for a teenager to talk like that.Holden is also hypocritical in a way with his swearing because near the end of the book he begins to try and erase all of the profanity on the wall and while he thinks that he is ridding the world of evil, he often is the source of some of the evil with his swearing. Throughout the book, you can often notice and sense that Holden is quite depressed and sad all of the time. This is because near the end of the book, he is trying the play the role of the ââ¬Å"Catcherâ⬠but he soon realizes that he can never rid the world of all the evil that he doesnââ¬â¢t want Phobe to see.He tells Phoebe that he wants to prevent children from growing up. He blames the worldââ¬â¢s corruption on adults and believes that when he stops the children from growing up he will preserve their innocence and save the world. Finally, he realizes that not only is there nothing that he can do, but there is nowhere he can go to hide from it. Ironically enough, it is one of the ââ¬Å"innocentâ⬠children that he is trying to protect who helps him come to terms with this realization. It is Phoebe who challenges his plan to escape out west.As he is telling Phoebe that she cannot run away, he discovers that he too cannot run away. ââ¬Å" You canââ¬â¢t ever find a place that is nice and peaceful, because there isnââ¬â¢t any. â⬠The final breakdown comes near the end of the book when he is watching Phoebe on the carousel. As all the kids on the carousel try to grab the golden rings, Holden hits the final breakdown. Being the ââ¬Å" catcher ââ¬Å" becomes obviously unrealistic. Finally Holden is usually withdrawn and friendless because of his inability to accept people for who they are and constantly pick out their flaws.As you read and read through the book, you will get the sense the H olden has never really had a true friend. He is usually nice to most people but really he thinks that they are phonies. An example of this would be on page 77 where Holden Says, ââ¬Å" She was a funny girl, old Jane. I wouldnââ¬â¢t exactly describe her as strictly beautiful. She knocked me out though. She was sort of muckle-mouthed. When she was talking, her mouth sort of went in about 50 different directions her lips and all ââ¬Å".This quote shows that even the people Holden likes a lot, such as Jane Gallagher he still has to be judgmental and find the flaws in them. This ultimately leads to Holden being forever alone in the book. In Conclusion, Holden Caulfield has been diagnosed with a anxiety-depression disorder because of his profanity laced vocabulary, his depressed sad and disturbed state, and his inability to accept people for who they are without being judgmental and picking out their flaws. A treatment recommendation for this would be to continue therapy sessions and anti-depressant medication.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
European Union should stop supporting Airbus Essay
European Union should stop supporting Airbus - Essay Example with manufacturing costs, the company has managed to grow its market share and improve its manufacturing to the point where Boeing now claims dominance in market share and revenues worldwide. Airbus has taken in over US$13 billion in subsidies since its founding, yet the company continues to ask its government shareholders for more subsidies to continue to compete against its rival. Subsidies cost the European taxpayer, and support the airlines which buy planes. Each Euro which is taken from European taxpayers could be better employed by direct consumption or investment in private enterprise, which would result in the application of market reasoning to funds usage. The reasoning used to support Airbus is the same as the Common Agricultural Policyââ¬âthat farmers (or aircraft employees) cannot be competitive on their own, and need to have subsidisation in order to maintain employment and compete on world markets. The reasoning used by both is the same: both are ââ¬Å"bridgeâ⬠financings, and should not have to be made all the time, just during an ââ¬Ëadjustment period.ââ¬â¢ In fact, Airbus, as with European farmers, has grown used to government subsidisation, and has not adjusted its policies to improve its competitive position. Governments justify their continuing support in Airbus on the basis of the number of jobs created or maintained. They do not mention the opportunity cost of employing that capital in other industries, or of giving investors the capital in order to make rational business decisions. The governments of Germany and France, far from aiding Airbus and its ability to compete with Boeing, have placed conditions which make it impossible for the company to be as cost- or capital-effective as the company from Chicago. Boeing has been able to accelerate development and production of its 777 and 787 aircraft by seeking the best industrial partners from around the world. It has thus reduced its own capital requirements in new models by off-loading
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Nursing - Essay Example Aside from performing well in our tasks, we must also be able to initiate better changes and developments on how we deliver our services. Being able to come up with effective and efficient measures in helping our patients is a big step both in adding value to our work as well as empowering ourselves with additional responsibilities in the nursing field. Also, by letting us become a part of the decisions not only would help in our career growth, but also in our own personal discovery (Kleinman, 2004). And the first step for this is by having a chance to look at how leadership works and thrives in our field. In order to be competent in leadership, I would have to accept additional tasks that stimulate the brain, such as problem-solving tasks or additional leadership work. It was reported that by having such additional tasks could enhance career growth among nursing staff, as well as empowerment, which in turn increases their retention in the field (Krugman & Smith, 2003). Also, I would ask concerned supervisors to hold meetings that aim to let the staff speak their thoughts and ideas to their superiors, and have them evaluated for soundness. I believe that doing so would not only give us the chance to use our heads to develop solutions, but also to give us a chance to be a part of the team, most especially to us who have the need to feel that our person and our abilities are relevant to the overall performance of the whole team. Doing so would also help us to become empowered, as well as having a sense of satisfaction in what we do and how we do it. Letting the nurse staff participate in such aspects of the work was reported to improve the morale of the staff, making them perform over the normal standard in providing care to patients (Contino, 2004). In order to arrive at my personal goal of being successful in the field of nursing, I opted to have my strengths and weaknesses identified, so that I could find out what I do best as well as to see which areas I need to improve to become better. And also, by finishing by degree in nursing as well as finishing a Masterââ¬â¢s Degree in Public Health with Informatics not only can I contribute to the modernization of some aspects of nursing in where I work, but also to become a nursing manager being able to inspire and motivate people, as much as my own mentors do to me. I was able to check the levels of my knowledge in different areas of the nursing field using the Nurse Manager Inventory Tool (American Organization of Nurse Executives, 2006). Upon completing the checklist of the characteristics of effective nursing managers, with the help of my supervisor I was able to deduce what areas of improvement to focus on, and what areas I do well in. After answering the checklist, I found out that while I could say I am competent in the science and art domains since these are mostly sourced from available reading materials, the leadership aspects of being an effective nurse manager learning domain fra mework such as personal accountability, career planning, personal journey disciplines and optimizing leadership potential could still need expansion. I could attribute this to the fact that I am usually given responsibilities of staff nurses but not much more complex tasks. Also, leadership is not something written in most books, but is rather an experience that must be lived
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Role of E-Commerce in Todays Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Role of E-Commerce in Todays Business - Essay Example In the past few years, we have seen a large number of developments in all the areas of life. These rapid developments and advancements in the field of information and communication technologies (ICTs) have provided considerable support for the establishment of an arrangement of organizations that divide with the larger suppliers and producers the tasks of product and service planning, design, suppliersââ¬â¢ and retailersââ¬â¢ communications, production, goods delivery and packaging, customer advertisement and marketing, and a number of other tasks that were in the past were disconnected, otherwise, concerted in a particular large firm (Scavarda et al., 2001; Tremblay, 1998). The majority of business organizations perceive electronic commerce as application of the Internet or the electronic platforms as a platform to sell and promote products, services and goods to the customers. However, this constricted description of the e-commerce only describes the Internet based commerce. In actual point of fact, e-commerce contains a wide variety of other aspects as well. In this scenario, e-commerce can be defined as the electronic transactions for trading information, products, services, goods and payments along with additional processes such as the development and protection of Web-based associations. In this scenario, it can be said that electronic commerce encompasses a number of attributes and entities and it is not limited to only some entities such as the Internet, extranets, intranets, electronic data interchange (EDI), and various others.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Gratitude Dinner Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Gratitude Dinner - Assignment Example From this paper it is clear that the theme of the dinner is ââ¬Å"wonderful menu with soothing music.â⬠In light of this, there are three possible venues for this event in Oklahoma City and one of them is the Biltmore hotel. The reasons for this venue include guest rooms suited for persons with disability, ample and complimentary parking spaces and wireless internet with high speed. In addition, they have 367 beautiful and spacious rooms that can accommodate the entire family, including pets. However, there are some challenges with this venue, and that is, itââ¬â¢s relatively expensive compared to the rest. The other hotel is Sheraton downtown hotel that offers utmost privacy to the clients. It has excellent aura with blues and jazz music in its lounge. It also offers excellent foodstuff such as gourmet ice creams. The hotel is endowed with excellent valet and self-parking yard and swimming pool.à This study declares thatà the budget is $10,000 excluding my salary and ti me that amounts to 10% of this budget. The budget sheet contains all the possible the expenses ranging from entertainment to meals and accommodation. After the dinner, there will be a colorful session to cut the ceremony cake to crown the jubilation. Further, the couples will take both family and group photographs with my client. There will be plenty of entertainment ranging from cool jazz and blues music. The ceremony will culminate with gifts presentation to the individual customers and their spouses.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Hydraulic Fracturing (What is Fracking) Assignment
Hydraulic Fracturing (What is Fracking) - Assignment Example Firstly, is it really ââ¬Å"a golden mineâ⬠for all? Payoff to the owners of lands where process starts ââ¬Å"can be as little as $15 an acre or up to $6,000 an acreâ⬠(Vergano). That means only producing company wins. Secondly, whole district is changing because of fracking nearby. It becomes more industrial: technics, new buildings and factories appears. Thereââ¬â¢re can be as advantages (more new workplaces, business development, etc.) as disadvantages from such changes. Grass disappears; drill sound and heavy equipment appears, changing landscape extremely. And what can be good for one districtââ¬â¢s infrastructure can be bad for another. Often farmers and landowners suffer because of fracking in the neighborhood. Producing oil and gas process not only frights animals and harms agribusiness, but also probably pollutes air and water, so influences badly on a farm productionââ¬â¢s quality. But whatââ¬â¢s most frightening, frackingââ¬â¢s damage to the environment isnââ¬â¢t still known for sure. Thereââ¬â¢s simply not enough information to tell what harm fracking brings into a general ecology situation and a local inhabitantsââ¬â¢ health (Vergano). Naturally, a lot of people are worried about using a doubtful energy producing method. Recently, University of Taxes and Duke University studies reviled that most harm from fracking can be caused from spills and wells, drilled and constructed in the wrong way (Vergano). And besides air and water pollution, a big question is how this method influences on lithosphere. An idea of fracking is making cracks deeply in earthââ¬â¢s layers. How safe is that? To my mind, most reasonable is an opinion that for every different place and with every different company answer on question ââ¬Å"to drill or not to drillâ⬠can be different. Such big oil and gas producing corporations like Halliburton or Shell usually
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Justification Letter Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Justification Letter - Personal Statement Example Some of my clients in NY include Public Service Electric & Gas (PSEG), Chase/Chemnet Network Services, Bear Stearns Corporation, Swiss Bank Corporation, Perot Systems Corporation, HIS/Chic Jeans, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers Corporation, COMDISCO Corporation, Manufactures Hanover Bank (MHT), M&M Mars Corporation, Coopers & Lybrand, MasterCard International, Home Life Insurance Company, IBM Professional Services, Witco Chemical Corporation, The CIT Group and The General Foods Corporation. I transferred to the Washington DC area shortly after 9/11/2001 to look for contract work with the Government. The position at KForce was only presented to me as a full time employment and not as a sub-contract with Base Technology Incorporated. Hence, I was left with no alternative other than accept the position as such. I am very happy with my current position at US Customs and the people I work with. However, I am not an active employee of KGS in that I do not help to promote the company on any proposals etc. I really do not have any close ties to them. I have a hard time working as an employee of any company and feel better and perform better as an independent contractor because that is how I have lived the last 25 years prior to moving to the Wash DC area. It is my fervent desire to function under contract with you through STS and formally resign from my services with KGS forthwith. I now look forward to the pleasure of your favorable response at the earliest. Thank you, Faithfully yours, Jerry Harding
Friday, August 23, 2019
Management Strategy ( Boeing Corporation) Reseach Case Essay
Management Strategy ( Boeing Corporation) Reseach Case - Essay Example Unfortunately, its test run which was scheduled in this year had to be postponed indefinitely due the supply chain inefficiencies prevalent in the organization. Before the test drive itself, it has 903 orders in hand. (Maynard. M. 2008). On the Military defense front, the company was stripped off many crucial contracts owing to the unethical behavior of the employed staff and is expected to regain its right to bid for future contracts from 2010 onwards. (Wayne. L. 2008). In the cargo flight provider section, the 747 and 777 are the largest available products and the company can bank on this specialty that it can implement the Product Proliferation strategy wherein the customers have a greater cargo space availability facility and as such would be interested in paying the extra price in comparison to the smaller cargo flights. In the commercial vehicle sector, the market leader status which remained till 1993 was lost against Airbus in that year due to the technological advancement of the Airbusââ¬â¢s A-380. (Kotler, Keller, 2006). Added to this, the current economic slowdown is taking its toll on the aviation sector. Hence, great importance has to be given to the pricing of its existing products and especially the new launch ââ¬â the 787. 787 comes under the prestige product segment but care has to be taken that the company follows the value based pricing strategy as depicted by the organization in the case of its earlier launches so that its customers have to be rest assured of better value for lower price in comparison to its rivalââ¬â¢s product. As it is, 787 have an advantage of fuel efficiency which can be taken into consideration while pricing. However, care should be taken that, in the run to gain the market share, it should not quote any bottom level prices that it may have to face supp ly chain difficulties as the product is technically highly
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Difference Between Morals and Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Difference Between Morals and Ethics - Essay Example It is a systematic evaluation and reasoning of how we ought to perform depending on various contexts. As Desnoyers defines, ââ¬Å"ethics is the body of principles that decide what behaviors are right, good, and proper.â⬠(Desnoyers). Such attitudes do not always state a single ââ¬Å"moralâ⬠course of action, but facilitate measures to evaluate and decide among competing options. It is all about putting these principles into action. It is a matter of honesty to observe uniformity between what we say, we value, and what our deeds say we value. Ethics motivates a person to follow certain standards or codes of behavior desired by the society in which the individual is a part. Ethics in its wider sense can be national ethics, social ethics, company ethics, or professional ethics. On the other hand, morals promote a demanding set of duties that requires a person to overcome his natural desires, in way to follow his moral law. On comparing the differences between ethics and mora ls, we find that ethics is the guidelines, for choosing proper conduct, while morality is the parameters for behavior that exist at some point of time. The ethical principles undergo very little changes while on the other hand, morality endures more changes repeatedly. Morality can be depicted as a snapshot taken of an unstable object. However, since ethics has got more essential and established principles, it is bigger than morality in its function. An example of a criminal defense lawyer may be apt to understand the terms of moral and ethics in its practical sense. The lawyerââ¬â¢s personal moral code may consider the murder immoral and culpable. On the other hand, the ethics demands the lawyer to defend his client as strongly as possible, even when he is aware of the fact that the accused is guilty and freeing the defendant would eventually lead to more crimes. In such case, the legal ethics as well as his professional ethics must override personal morals in order to uphold th e justice system where the accused is given a fair chance. In the same way, ethics and morals may clash at the workplace where the company ethics supersede personal morality. Corporate insatiability that often crosses its own ethical lines fastened with perverse demands on time may force employee to select from a traumatic, challenging, and unbearable work ethics considering his/her family responsibilities as moral commitment to next of kin. Ethical decision making is carried out by the logical and systematical application of oneââ¬â¢s ethical principles and does not take place by random likelihood. An individual often feels lost at sea when facing with a situation where he needs to apply ethical principles. In a critical decision making condition, an individual can apply ethical principles by choosing a course of action. George Desnoyers brings out a set of clear rules that can be applied in advance to enhance an individual to lead an ethical life. They are; I will think before I act; will clarify and constantly review my goals. I will try to consider the consequences of my actins and omissions. I will monitor and review the results of my actions. I will be honest in all my business dealing. (Source: Desnoyers, n.d). Moral certainty can be referred to as a concept of instinctive probability, where a high degree of probability occurs that is adequate for the action but not sufficient for absolute certainty.
Good Readers Good Writers V Essay Example for Free
Good Readers Good Writers V Essay ââ¬Å"Good Readers and Good Writersâ⬠(from Lectures on Literature) Vladimir Nabokov (originally delivered in 1948) My course, among other things, is a kind of detective investigation of the mystery of literary structures. How to be a Good Reader or Kindness to Authorsââ¬âsomething of that sort might serve to provide a subtitle for these various discussions of various authors, for my plan is to deal lovingly, in loving and lingering detail, with several European Masterpieces. A hundred years ago, Flaubert in a letter to his mistress made the following remark: Commelon serait savant si lââ¬â¢onà connaissait bien seulement cinq a six livres: What a scholar one might be if one knew well only some half a dozen books. In reading, one should notice and fondle details. There is nothing wrong about the moonshine of generalization when it comes after the sunny trifles of the book have been lovingly collected. If one begins with a readymade generalization, one begins at the wrong end and travels away from the book before one has started to understand it. Nothing is more boring or more unfair to the author than starting to read, say, Madame Bovary, with the preconceived notion that it is a denunciation of the bourgeoisie. We should always remember that the work of art is invariably the creation of a new world, so that the first thing we should do is to study that new world as closely as possible, approaching it as something brand new, having no obvious connection with the worlds we already know. When this new world has been closely studied, then and only then let us examine its links with other worlds, other branches of knowledge. Another question: Can we expect to glean information about places and times from a novel? Can anybody be so naive as to think he or she can learn anything about the past from those buxomà best-sellers that are hawked around by book clubs under the heading of historical novels? But what about the masterpieces? Can we rely on Jane Austenââ¬â¢s picture of landowning England with baronets and landscaped grounds when all she knew was a clergymanââ¬â¢s parlor? And Bleak House, that fantastic romance within a fantastic London, can we call it a study of London a hundred years ago? Certainly not. And the same holds for other such novels in this series. The truth is that great novels are great fairy talesââ¬âand the novels in this series are supreme fairy tales. Time and space, the colors of the seasons, the movements of muscles and minds, all these are for writers of genius (as far as we can guess and I trust we guess right) not traditional notions which may be borrowed from the circulating library of public truths but a series of unique surprises which master artists have learned to express in their own unique way. To minor authors is left the ornamentation of the commonplace: these do not bother about any reinventing of the world; they merely try to squeeze the best they can out of a given order of things, out of traditionalà patterns of fiction. The various combinations these minor authors are able to produce within these set limits may be quite amusing in a mild ephemeral way because minor readers like to recognize their own ideas in a pleasing disguise. But the real writer, the fellow who sends planets spinning and models a man asleep and eagerly tampers with the sleeperââ¬â¢s rib, that kind of author has no given values at his disposal: he must create them himself. The art of writing is a very futile business if it does not imply first of all the art of seeing the world as the potentiality ofà fiction. The material of this world may be real enough (as far as reality goes) but does not exist at all as an accepted entirety: it is chaos, and to this chaos the author says go! allowing the world to flicker and to fuse. It is now recombined in its very atoms, not merely in its visible and superficial parts. The writer is the first man to mop it and to form the natural objects it contains. Those berries there are edible. That speckled creature that bolted across my path might be tamed. That lake between those trees will be called Lake Opal or, more artistically, Dishwaterà Lake. That mist is a mountainââ¬âand that mountain must be conquered. Up a trackless slope climbs the master artist, and at the top, on a windy ridge, whom do you think he meets? The panting and happy reader, and there they spontaneously embrace and are linked forever if the book lasts forever. One evening at a remote provincial college through which I happened to be jogging on a protracted lecture tour, I suggested a little quizââ¬âten definitions of a reader, and from these ten the students had to choose four definitions that would combine to make a good reader. I haveà mislaid the list, but as far as I remember the definitions went something like this. Select four answers to the question what should a reader be to be a good reader: 1. The reader should belong to a book club. 2. The reader should identify himself or herself with the hero or heroine. 3. The reader should concentrate on the social-economic angle. 4. The reader should prefer a story with action and dialogue to one with none. 5. The reader should have seen the book in a movie. 6. The reader should be a budding author. 7. The reader should have imagination. 8. The reader should have memory. 9.à The reader should have a dictionary. 10. The reader should have some artistic sense. The students leaned heavily on emotional identification, action, and the social-economic or historical angle. Of course, as you have guessed, the good reader is one who has imagination, memory, a dictionary, and some artistic sensewhich sense I propose to develop in myself and in others whenever I have the chance. Incidentally, I use the word reader very loosely. Curiously enough, one cannot read a book: one can only reread it. A good reader, a major reader, an active and creative reader is a rereader. And I shall tell you why. When we read a book for the first time the very process of laboriously moving our eyes from left to right, line after line, page after page, this complicated physical work upon the book, the very process of learning in terms of space and time what the book is about, this stands between us and artistic appreciation. When we look at a painting we do not have to move our eyes in a special way even if, as in a book, the picture contains elements of depth and development. The element of time does not really enter in a first contact with a painting. In reading a book, we must have time to acquaint ourselves with it. We have no physical organ (as we have the eye in regard to a painting) that takes in the whole picture and then can enjoy its details. But at a second, or third, or fourth reading we do, in a sense, behave towards a book as we do towards a painting. However, let us not confuse the physical eye, that monstrous masterpiece of evolution, with the mind, an even more monstrous achievement. A book, no matter what it isââ¬âa work of fiction or a work of science (the boundary line between the two is not as clear as is generally believed)ââ¬âa book of fiction appeals first of all to the mind. The mind, the brain, the top of the tingling spine, is, or should be, the only instrument used upon a book. Now, this being so, we should ponder the question how does the mind work when the sullen reader is confronted by the sunny book. First, the sullen mood melts away, and for better or worse the reader enters into the spirit of the game. The effort to begin a book, especially if it is praised by people whom the young reader secretly deems to be too old-fashioned or too serious, this effort is often difficult to make; but once it is made, rewards are various and abundant. Since the master artist used his imagination in creating his book, it is natural and fair that the consumer of a book should use his imagination too. There are, however, at least two varieties of imagination in the readerââ¬â¢s case. So let us see which one of the two is the right one to use in reading a book. First, there is the comparatively lowly kind which turns for support to the simple emotions and is of a definitely personal nature. (There are various subvarieties here, in this first section of emotional reading. ) A situation in a book is intensely felt because it reminds us of something that happened to us or to someone weà know or knew. Or, again, a reader treasures a book mainly because it evokes a country, a landscape, a mode of living which he nostalgically recalls as part of his own past. Or, and this is the worst thing a reader can do, he identifies himself with a character in the book. This lowly variety is not the kind of imagination I would like readers to use. So what is the authentic instrument to be used by the reader? It is impersonal imagination and artistic delight. What should be established, I think, is an artistic harmonious balance between the readerââ¬â¢s mind and the authorââ¬â¢s mind. We ought to remain a little aloof and take pleasure in this aloofness while at the same time we keenly enjoyââ¬âpassionately enjoy, enjoy with tears and shiversââ¬âthe inner weave of a given masterpiece. To be quite objective in these matters is of course impossible. Everything that is worthwhile is to some extent subjective. For instance, you sitting there may be merely my dream, and I may be your nightmare. But what I mean is that the reader must know when and where to curb his imagination and this he does by trying to get clear the specific world the author places at his disposal. We must see things and hear things, we must visualize the rooms, the clothes, the manners of an authorââ¬â¢s people. The color of Fanny Priceââ¬â¢s eyes in Mansfield Park and the furnishing of her cold little room are important. We all have different temperaments, and I can tell you right now that the best temperament for a reader to have, or to develop, is a combination of the artistic and the scientific one. The enthusiastic artist alone is apt to be too subjective in his attitude towards a book, and so a scientific coolness of judgment will temper the intuitive heat. If, however, a would-be reader is utterly devoid of passion and patienceââ¬âof an artistââ¬â¢s passion and a scientistââ¬â¢s patienceââ¬âhe will hardly enjoy great literature. Literature was born not the day when a boy crying wolf, wolf came running out of the Neanderthal valley with a big gray wolf at his heels: literature was born on the day when a boy came crying wolf, wolf and there was no wolf behind him. That the poor little fellow because he lied too often was finally eaten up by a real beast is quite incidental. But here is what is important. Between the wolf in the tall grass and the wolf in the tall story there is a shimmeringà go-between. That go-between, that prism, is the art of literature. Literature is invention. Fiction is fiction. To call a story a true story is an insult to both art and truth. Every great writer is a great deceiver, but so is that arch-cheat Nature. Nature always deceives. From the simple deception of propagation to the prodigiously sophisticated illusion of protective colors in butterflies or birds, there is in Nature a marvelous system of spells and wiles. The writer of fiction only follows Natureââ¬â¢s lead. Going back for a moment to our wolf-crying woodland little woolly fellow, we may put it thisà way: the magic of art was in the shadow of the wolf that he deliberately invented, his dream of the wolf; then the story of his tricks made a good story. When he perished at last, the story told about him acquired a good lesson in the dark around the campfire. But he was the little magician. He was the inventor. There are three points of view from which a writer can be considered: he may be considered as a storyteller, as a teacher, and as an enchanter. A major writer combines these threeââ¬âstoryteller, teacher, enchanterââ¬âbut it is the enchanter in him that predominates and makes him a majorà writer. To the storyteller we turn for entertainment, for mental excitement of the simplest kind, for emotional participation, for the pleasure of traveling in some remote region in space or time. A slightly different though not necessarily higher mind looks for the teacher in the writer. Propagandist, moralist, prophetââ¬âthis is the rising sequence. We may go to the teacher not only for moral education but also for direct knowledge, for simple facts. Alas, I have known people whose purpose in reading the French and Russian novelists was to learn something about life in gay Paree or in sad Russia. Finally, and above all, a great writer is always a great enchanter, and it is here that we come to the really exciting part when we try to grasp the individual magic of his genius and to study the style, the imagery, the pattern of his novels or poems. The three facets of the great writerââ¬âmagic, story, lessonââ¬âare prone to blend in one impression of unified and unique radiance, since the magic of art may be present in the very bones of the story, in the very marrow of thought. There are masterpieces of dry, limpid, organized thought which provoke in us an artistic quiver quite as strongly as a novel like Mansfield Park does or asà any rich flow of Dickensian sensual imagery. It seems to me that a good formula to test the quality of a novel is, in the long run, a merging of the precision of poetry and the intuition of science. In order to bask in that magic a wise reader reads the book of genius not with his heart, not so much with his brain, but with his spine. It is there that occurs the telltale tingle even though we must keep a little aloof, a little detached when reading. Then with a pleasure which is both sensual and intellectual we shall watch the artist build his castle of cards and watch the castle of cards become a castle of beautiful steel and glass.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Video game industry
Video game industry Sony Computer Entertainment Ltd. Versus Nintendo Ltd. For many years, video game industry has played a key role in the growth of economics of some counties. Both Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) and Nintendo are two representatives of this industry and they also are the main competitors in this fierce market. Previous research has shown that SCE had dominated the video game console market since Playstation2 launched with 138 million unit sales (Plunkett, 2009). Nintendo however occupy much marketing share after their new generation game console Wii and Nintendo Dual Screen (NDS) succeeded in this industry. This essay will compare and contrast SCE and Nintendo in several aspects and this paper which based on secondary resources without exclusive information. Therefore, it will begin via discussing the characteristics of product produced by these two companies, subsequently a discussion concerning price factors between the products of two corporations, for examples the development cost and price of software. Finally, this essay will focu s on the marketing share and sales. Nintendo is a multinational corporation founded on 23 September, 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi which producing handmade hanafuda cards. Then the company had tried several small businesses before they developed into a video game company, for example as a cab company and love hotel (Nintendo, 2009a). Consequently, Takenaka (2007) points out Nintendo became Japans third most valuable listed company by developing game console and software, with a market value of over 85 billion USD. Nintendo on the other hand is the majority owner of the Seattle Mariners, a Major League Baseball team. Unlike Nintendo, SCE is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sony which was established on 16 November, 1993 for handling the Research and Development, production and sales of both hardware and software for Playstation (SCE, 2009). SCE currently has three main headquarters around the world: Japan which controls operations in Asia; USA and UK response to control operation in North America and Europe respectively. SCE and Nintendo have their own way to innovating for making their product attractive in order to surviving in the competitive market. Therefore, according to the announcements about new consoles of SCE in 2004 and 2006, Playstation Portable (PSP) and Playstation3 has launched in 12 December 2004 and 11 November 2006 respectively. People were amazed about the high technology in the hardware of the two consoles, for instance, PS3 has built-in Blu-Ray Disc (BD) player and cell processor, and PSP has UMD disc player and 3D image processor. BD is the new standard of disc which has enough space to save the high definition media files. As a result, the software launched for PS3 and PSP, particularly video games evolved by fantastic screen. Unlike SCE, Nintendo did not invest much to develop disruptive technology in order to improving the hardware but creating new game style. The product features of Wii are the motion sensitive remote and NDS with touch screen and internal microphone. There fore, most of software launched on Nintendo console has bring the features in full play. For instance, the Wii Fit is the education program about Yoga and it is suitable for people who want learn yoga at home, especially ladies. Furthermore, My Word Coach DS and SekainoGohan Shaberu DS are the software for teaching user language and cooking respectively. While, Nintendos product no matter consoles and software are considerably cheaper than SCEs. The significant brand image of SONY and the costly latest technology for consoles determine SCEs product is expensive. There were two hardware configurations announced for PS3 in E3 2006: a 20GB model and a 60GB model, initially priced at 499 USD and 599 USD respectively (IGN, 2006). Furthermore, PSP is the first venture of SCE in the pocket game console market with price skimming strategy too. The price of the base model in first announcement of it was 19800 yen about 181 USD in 2004 (IGN, 2004). Then, in accordance with appendix 1(Curmudgeon Gamer, 2007), the table reveals the comparison of the average game price between DS and PSP in Mid-Nov 2006 and Mid-Apr 2007 respectively. The trends of average game price for PSP and DS both were experienced a decreased during that period of time. Besides, the average game price of PSP is more expensive than DS by 2-3 USD per game. However the price of Nintendos consoles wii and NDS are much lower than PS3 and PSP. Compared with PS3, the Wii launched in United States in November 2006 at 249.99 USD nearly half of PS3 (Sanders and Casamassina, 2006). Moreover, according to Harris (2004) Nintendo announced the NDS would be released in North America in November, 2004 for 149.99 USD. Nintendo already had occupied much more marketing share than SCE with the successful strategy and the attractive features of consoles. Although SCE had invested significant mount of money for developing their new generation game console. Sony released its life-to-date sales for the PS3 and PSP. As of June 30, 2009, the high-powered and relatively high-priced console had sold 23.8 million units worldwide since its November 2006 launce. (Thorsen, 2009: no page) Thorsen (2009), also cited in the Game Spot, The PSP, which launched in 2004 (Japan) and 2005 (all other territories), had sold 55.9 million units as of the end of Sonys last fiscal quarter. On the contrary, Nintendo (2009b, pp9) reported NDS and Wii had sold 107.75 million units and 52.62.million units since it launched to the June, 09 respectively. Moreover, appendix 2 illustrates the sales of the four game consoles in the three main markets (Japan, United Kingdom and United States). To sum up, the purpose of this essay is to highlight some main differences and similarities between SCE and Nintendo, it has been seen that even though SCE and Nintendo produce the same types of products, they have the different way on designing their products and expanding their business. In terms of evaluating the circumstance of the two corporations it has emerged from the discussion above that Nintendo occupied much more market share and it is in a stronger financial position than SCE. Given the current economic climate, Nintendo therefore is the video game development company which would suffer the least economic loss. References Brightman.J (2008) Wii U.S. installed base now leads Xbox 360 by almost 2 million (Online) Retrieved from [Assessed 24 October 2009] Curmudgeon Gamer (2007) Nintendo DS vs. Sony PSP: game pricing update (Online) Retrieved from [Assessed 22 October 2009] Famistu (2009) Revenue of Japan video game industry was almost 582.61 billion yens (In Japanese) (Online) Retrieved from [Assessed 24 October 2009] Harris.C (2004) Official Nintendo DS launch details (Online) Retrieved from [Assessed 23 October 2009] IGN (2004) Japanese price and date set (Online) Retrieved from [Assessed 22 October 2009] IGN (2006) E3 2006: The final word on playstation (Online) Retrieved from [Assessed 22 October 2009] Kiyoshi Takenaka (2007) UPDATE 2-Nintendo sets $85 bln high score, thanks to Wii, DS (Online) Retrieved from [Assessed 10 November 2009] Martin, M (2009) Console installed base reaches 22m in UK (Online) Retrieved from [Assessed 24 October 2009] Nintendo (2009a) Company History (In Japanese) (Online) Retrieved from: [Assessed 21 October 2009] Nintendo (2009b) Consolidated Financial Highlights pp9 (Online) Retrieved from [Assessed 24 October 2009] Plunkett, L (2009) Sony talks Playstation lifetime sales, PSN revenue (Online) Retrieved from: [Assessed 21 October 2009] Sanders, K and Casamassina, M (2006) US Wii price, launch date revealed (Online) Retrieved from [Assessed 23 October 2009] SCE (2009) Company Profile (Online) Retrieve from: [Assessed 21 October 2009] SCE (2004) PSP enters the market on December 12, 2004 at 19,800 Yen in Japan (Online) Retrieved from [Assessed 22 October 2009] SCE (2006) Playstation3 Launches on November 11, 2006 in Japan (Online) Retrieved from [Assessed 22 October 2009] Thorsen.T (2009) PS3 sales almost 24 million, PSP near 56 million (Online) Retrieved from:;title;5 [Assessed 24 October 2009]
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Installation And Configuration Of Honeyd Computer Science Essay
Installation And Configuration Of Honeyd Computer Science Essay As an Open Source solution honeyd does not offer any support or Graphical User Interface for installation or configuration. The source code should be downloaded on the honeyd host, get compiled and the binary and configuration files of honeyd be installed. Then the Honeyd binary file could be run from the command line prompt of the Linux system used. A second more efficient way is to install the Honeyd package as root with the command: sudo apt-get install honeyd To function correctly, honeyd requires also the following libraries to be installed: libevent: a software library providing asynchronous notification for events libnet: a portable framework/library used for network packet construction libpcap: a framework used for capturing packets passing through a network Honeyd comes with numerous scripts written in the script languages Python and Perl by both NielsProvos and other contributors which can be used to emulate services on the appropriate ports in the virtual honeypots. Although installing and running honeyd might seem quite simple, it is a particularly complicated software tool with a range of command line parameters affecting its behavior. After being correctly installed on our system, the following command is used to start honeyd: honeyd -p /etc/honeyd/nmap.prints -d -f /etc/honeyd/honeyd_thesis.conf In the following, the above parameters used are explained in detail [1]. The first command honeyd instructs the Linux kernel to execute the honeyd binary file. The -p fingerprints option gives the pathname of the Nmap fingerprint file (here: nmap.prints) which contains the Nmap signature database that honeyd uses to emulate different operating systems at the network stack. This will dictate how honeyd will behave towards attackers depending on the emulated operating system. The -d flag allows honeyd to run in debug mode with all the messages getting printed on the current terminal. This mode can be useful when testing honeyd and its functionality on the fly. Omitting this flag will cause honeyd to run as a daemon process in the background. Another important command line parameter which is not used above is the -i flag. This flag is used when the computer system hosting the virtual honeypots has more than one network interfaces. In this case, the -i flag should be used to denote which interface or interfaces will be the ones receiving network traffic for the virtual honeypots. Finally, the -f command line parameter is probably the most important one as it lies at the heart of the honeyd configuration. The -f flag gives honeyd the path name for the configuration file (here: honeyd_thesis.conf) where all information about the virtual honeypots are kept such as which operating systems are used and which services should be emulated on each honeypot. Honeyds configuration file is a simple straightforward text-based file with a context-free-grammar configuration language which can be described in Backus-Naur Form (BNF). Although quite straightforward, it offers a wide variety of options when it comes to configuring the virtual honeypots. Its main role is to specify which are the IP addresses on which the virtual hosts will be running waiting for the attackers probes and what services should be emulated on each one of them. Templates constitute the core of the configuration files for virtual honeypots [3]. Honeyd works via the creation of templates which describe and simulate specific computer systems configured in great detail. The first step taken to create a virtual honeypot is to create a corresponding template which will specify the defining characteristics of the honeypot like the simulated operating system, the ports on which the honeypot will listen and the services being emulated. After that, an IP address will be assigned to the template bringing up the honeypot and operating at that specific network address. The command to create a new template is create and the parameter entered should be a name relative to the system intended to be simulated. Each template should have a different name. A different parameter that can be used is the default one. This can be used in case honeyd does not find any template matching the destination IP address of a packet and it is preferred when there is a need f or assigning a group of IP addresses under a common template rather than assigning each template to a unique address. Following the creation of a template, the configuration commands define how the virtual honeypot will behave. The set and add commands are used to shape the behavior of the configured honeypot. The first characteristic to be defined by the set command is the operating system or personality from the Nmapfingerprint database which will dictate how the computer system will behave at the IP network stack. The personality indicates the form of the responses honeyd will be sending back along with other details such as the TCP sequence numbers, the TCP timestamps and other. It can be chosen from a great number and variety of famous operating systems like Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS, Microsoft Windows, Cisco IOS, etc. The set command can also determine the default behavior of the template regarding the supported network protocols (TCP, UDP, ICMP), i.e. how the template reacts to probes at ports which are unassigned. The action taken can include three options: Open: this signifies that all ports for the particular network protocol are open by default. This setting applies only to TCP and UDP connections Block: this indicates that the ports will ignore any incoming connections and packets directed to them will be dropped by default. Reset: this means that all ports for the specified protocol are closed by default. For a TCP port, honeyd will reply with a TCP RST packet to a SYN packet whereas for a UDP port with a UDP-port unreachable message. Finally, honeyd gives the option to spoof the uptime of a host, referring to the duration of time since the system was first booted. The set uptime command does exactly that. If no uptime is defined, honeyd assumes an arbitrary value up to 20 days. Following the set command is the add set of commands. The add commands constitute the center of the template as they are the ones which signify what applications will be running on each port and which are the services that can be remotely accessed by the outside world. The syntax of the add command requires to specify the network protocol, the number of the port and an appropriate action. As we see in the above configuration, the options open, block and reset that are used for the default behavior of the template can also be used on a per-port basis. The important difference here is that apart from just opening or closing ports, predefined scripts can be called and emulate different services on different ports. This possibility of integrating scripts written in programming languages within the honeyd configuration gives virtual honeypots a high degree of realism. A realistic service to which an adversary can talk can grant much more detailed information about an attacker. Apparently, the more scripts running on ports, the higher the possibilities for interacting with attackers. The following example from our configuration file starts a telnet simulator service for TCP connections on port 23: add Linux1 tcp port 23 /usr/share/honeyd/scripts /unix/linux/suse8.0/ When a remote hosts attempts to establish connection with the above Linux1 template-personality on port 23, honeyd will initiate a new process executing the shell script ./ The script is receiving input data via stdin and it is sending replies back to the sender via its stdout. Apart from TCP connections, scripts can also be used to interact with remote users through UDP connections. Important to mention is that when honeyd receives a new connection on one of its honeypots port, it forks (starts) a new process which will execute the specified script. This can be at times quite risky as it can lead to a performance bottleneck if the virtual honeypots get overwhelmed with network traffic, e.g. if deployed in a busy network [1]. The last command which should be implemented to configure successfully the virtual honeypot is the bind command whose role is to bind the created template with the IP address on which it will be operating virtually. The Ethernet option for the set command can be used to assign explicitly a unique MAC address to each configured template. As mentioned earlier, physical addresses are essential for network communication and via proxy ARP the honeyd host can reply with its own MAC address to the ARP requests regarding the honeypots. A disadvantage of this is that attackers can easily realize the existence of virtual machines as all the IP addresses of the honeypots will relate to one MAC address. Using the set ethernet command, this risk is wiped out and no need for configuring proxy ARP exists as honeyd takes care of all the ARP procedures [1]. Attention should be given to avoid any MAC address collisions when assigning them to the virtual hosts, as physical addresses should be unique for every system. 2.2.5. Honeyd Logging Information Gathering The Honeyd framework comes with a built-in mechanism for gathering information regarding the connection attempts launched from adversaries targeting the virtual honeypots. Honeyd has the ability to populate files with log information for both connection attempts by attackers and established connections for all protocols. The command used to log the network activity concerning the virtual honeypots is the following: [emailprotected]:/etc/honeypot$ honeyd -p /etc/honeyd/nmap.prints -d -f /etc/honeyd/honeyd_thesis.conf -l thesis.log The -l command line option enables the packet-level logging in honeyd. It only takes one parameter and this is the log file that will be used to create the connection logs. In this case, the log filethesis.log. It is important that the directory in which the log file resides, should have the permission to be writable by the user who is running honeyd. The log file contains information about the time a connection was attempted, the source IP address and port of the attacker attempting to connect, the destination IP address and port of the virtual honeypot under attack, the protocol involved and if the attempt is successful and the connection eventually establishes, the starting and ending point of the connection in time along with other information like the total number of bytes transmitted. The packet-level log files can be extremely useful when used in combination with data mining tools. They can offer a great deal of helpful information regarding the connection attempts launched by adversaries. Scripts written in Perl, Python or other programming languages can extract useful information and statistics from the log files such as the number of IP addresses probing our virtual honeypots on a daily basis, a list with the most common ports to be attacked and other data giving an insight on the scanning activity of the virtual hosts from the potential attackers. This kind of log files can get extremely large over time and care should be taken regarding the processing capabilities of the data mining tools used in each case. Apart from packet-level logging, the option for service-level logging is also provisioned by honeyd [1]. Whereas packet-level logging gives a general view of the overall network traffic handled by the virtual honeypots, service-level log files give a more detailed view on the ongoing sessions. When scripts emulating services on different ports are used in honeypots and these scripts have additional logging capabilities, a great deal of interesting information can be attained about the attackers activities and methods they use to take a system under their control. 2.2.6. Significance of Honeyd As an Open Source low-interaction honeypot, honeyd introduces a great range of interesting features as those were mentioned previously. Being an Open Source software tool indicates that its distribution is free and anyone can have access to the source code [3]. This means that individuals and groups belonging to the network security community can customize and contribute to its source code adding more emulated services which will improve the interaction level between the attacker and the virtual honeypots providing us with even more information about the methods they use to break into systems. Over the next years we can expect an exponential rise in our ability to capture malicious behavior via honeyd. On the other hand, being an Open Source solution, honeyd does not offer any support for maintenance or troubleshooting from an official source. As a low-interaction honeypot honeyd is basically deployed as a production honeypot used to detect and capture network attacks. No real complete operating system is offered but adversaries are limited to the network services emulated by the scripts. As such, honeyd introduces a low risk to organizations for their overall security when introduced [3]. A recognized by the attacker honeypot becomes useless, so camouflaging honeyd is an issue that should be addressed. Xinwen Fu et al. have shown that an adversary can fingerprint honeyd through measuring the latency of the links simulated and proposed a camouflaged honeyd capable of behaving like its surrounding network environment []. Another issue to be addressed is the scripts emulating network services in honeyd. These need to be written by hand and as a result not so many scripts exist. CorradoLeita et al. have proposed a method which can alleviate this issue by automatically creating new scripts []. Finally, the fact that no alerting built-in mechanism exists in honeyd as well as that only command-line interface is offered are two shortcomings of its design. Chao-His Yeh et al. in their work have proposed a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for honeyd offering a variety of interesting features []. 2.3. Dionaea Dionaea [] is an open source low interaction honeypot that can be further categorized into the class of malware collector honeypots. The aim of these low interaction honeypots is to create vulnerabilities on specific services, in order to attract malware exploiting the network and if possible, capture and download a copy of the malware. As nowadays the number of malware attacks is increasing, these copies could be very useful for monitoring and analyzing in a safe environment the behavior of a malware and finding defending security solutions. In literature, two ways of malware analysis have been proposed [], static and dynamic analysis. As their names suggest, static analysis is simply the procedure of reading the code and trying to figure out the intention of the malware, while dynamic analysis includes the execution of the code of malware in a secure manner. Usually, these two types of analysis are combined and the output of the static analysis can be very useful for the dynamic one. The collected malware copies are usually stored in the form of a binary file. Malware collectors such as Dionaea can download a great amount of binaries although in most cases these files may represent the same malware. A binary should have different MD5 hash in order to be characterized as unique []. From the perspective of detection, two types have been proposed: detection of existing malware based on patterns or samples and zero-day detection schemes. Zero-day malware is defined as a malicious software which is not detected by anti-virus programs due to lack of existing virus signatures or other malware detection techniques []. Dionaea is usually referred as Nepenthes [] successor. The main improvements on the features of the new malware collector compared to Nepenthes include [18]: the protocol implementation in python scripting language the use of libemu library for shell code detection instead of pattern matching which requires a copy of the shell code, thus making extremely hard the detection of zero-day malware support for ipv6 addresses and TLS encryption development of the VOIP module 2.3.1. Features of Dionaea As mentioned above, Dionaea developers used python to implement the network protocols. This selection allows for an easier implementation compared to C language for instance. However, the main reason for this choice was to deal with the new generation of malware that utilize API to access services. SMB is the basic protocol supported by Dionaea. The SMB (Server Message Block) protocol works on port 445 [] and is used from Windows operating systems for file and printer sharing over TCP. Akamais [] internet report for the second and third quarter of 2012 (figure 3), shows that port 445 was the most targeted port at this period, as it attracted almost one third of the total network attack traffic. Attack-traffic-of-top-ports.jpg Figure . Percentage of global internet attack traffic during the 2nd and 3rd quarter of 2012, by targeted ports [24] The SMB protocol has known vulnerabilities and it is a common target especially for worms. That is the reason for which it has been selected by the developers of Dionaea as the main protocol and, as it will be shown in the following chapter, most of the captured copies of malware originated from that port. Other important protocols that Dionaea supports are the following: HTTP and secure HTTP (HTTPS) are also supported on port 80 FTP, although the possibility of an attack to an ftp service is rather low.Dionaea supports ftp protocol on port 21. It implements an ftp server which can create directories and also upload/download files TFTP, tftp server is provided on port 69 and is implemented to check the udp connection code MSSQL, Dionaea also emulates a Microsoft SQL server on port 1433. Attackers are able to login to the server but as there is no real database provided by Dionaea, there is no further interaction MYSQL, Dionaea also implements Mysql wire stream protocol on port 3306 SIP, as mentioned above a new module for supporting VOIP was added to Dionaea. The VoIP protocol implemented is SIP. The operation of this module consists in waiting for incoming SIP messages, logging all data and replying accordingly to the requests. Only when malicious messages are detected, Dionaea passes the code to the emulation engine. 2.3.2. Operation of Dionaea The main function of Dionaea is to detect and analyze the offered payload of the attacker in order to gain a copy of the malware. To succeed this, Dionaea offers different ways of interaction with the attacker. For example, it can provide a command prompt cmd.exe window to the attacker and react accordingly to the input commands or use the URLDownloadToFileapi to get a file through http. If the previous operation is successful, Dionaea should know the location of the file that the attacker tries to send and attempts to download the file. One very interesting feature of Dionaea is that it can send the downloaded file to a third party for further analysis than simply storing it on disk. Dionaea is also a great monitoring tool. It records all the activities on the ports it listens but also keeps record of connections to other ports. All these recorded data are kept in a log file in text format. Although we can choose the format of the log file, for instance filter the log messages or sort the events from the most recent to the least recent ones, it is still quite difficult to read and gain useful information. Therefore, Dionaea creates ansqlite database with all the recorded activities and makes it easier for the user to make queries and obtain useful information from the honeypot. From the log file we can retrieve useful data to understand the operation of the honeypot. Dionaea records three types of connections: reject, accept and connect. Connection attempts to the ports that Dionaea does not listen are marked as reject. On the other hand, attempts to monitored ports are marked as either connect or accept. In any case, Dionaea records in the log file and additionally in the sqlite database, valuable information about these connections such as the timestamp of the connection, the IP addresses of the local and remote host and the corresponding ports and protocols. Except of the information about the connections, Dionaea also keeps in database other significant tables such as download tables which contain information about the id of the connection, the url from which the malware was downloaded and also the downloaded md5 hash. 2.3.3. Installation and Configuration of Dionaea The installation of Dionaea requires some basic knowledge of Linux operating systems, as it is important to install all the required dependencies first but there are useful and detailed instructions in the official home page too. Dionaea is a flexible software tool and can be easily configured according to our needs by editing the configuration file. More specifically, in the configuration file we can edit the following: We can change the directory of the log file and more importantly we can reduce the amount of the produced data. By default, Dionaea records every event in the log file. We can filter the output data by changing the levels value from all to only warning, error for example. Dionaea writes the last event at the end of the log file. Thus, it is really useful to rotate this behavior in logging section, so that the last event can be read directly at the first line of the log file. Moreover, we can modify the path of the downloaded binaries and bi-streams folders. Bi-directional streams allow us to replay an attack that Dionaea captured on IP-level. As we mentioned above, with Dionaea we can submit directly the downloaded malware to third parties for further analysis. In the submit section of the configuration file, we can edit all these details. One more interesting feature is that we can manually configure the IP range that Dionaea can listen to and also add ipv6 addresses. By default, Dionaea listens to all the IP addresses it can find. Finally, we can configure the modules section which is considered the most significant of the configuration files. The modules section includes a list of services which Dionaea supports and we can enable or disable some of them. For instance, we can enable and edit the pcap module if we want to keep information about rejected connection attempts or additionally, if we are interested in the operating system of the attackers, we can enable the p0f service. 2.4. Kippo Kippo [] is a medium interaction honeypot which emulates an SSH server. It provides an interaction shell to the intruder while monitoring and recording all the activities. Furthermore, it is designed to monitor brute force attacks. Secure shell (SSH) [] is a network protocol which provides encrypted communication between two devices. SSH allows users to gain access to remote devices through a shell or interactive command line in a secure manner. The port used by SSH protocol by default is 22 [23]. In most cases, a client can access an SSH server by entering a valid username and password through an SSH client tool. From that perspective, SSH servers are vulnerable to password attacks. Especially SSH dictionary or brute force attacks are very common and quite easy to be launched even by unqualified attackers. These types of attacks are based on the fact that many users choose their credentials from a small domain []. Thus, brute force attacks try all the possible username and password combinations until the correct one is found, in an automated way. This attribute could be very useful for SSH server honeypot implementations. In order to have as many successful logins as possible in our SSH honeypot, it is preferred to choose credentials that rely on automated dictionary attack tools. Ciscos white paper about SSH login activity [] shows that for a total of approximately 1,56 million login attempts, username root was used almost in 35 percent of all cases. The following figure depicts the 10 most used usernames according to the results of the research conducted by Cisco. cisco.jpg Figure . Top 10 attempted usernames [28] In addition, other surveys [],[ ] give some interesting information about the most commonly used passwords in connection attempts. The top password combinations include variations of the username such as username or username123 and passwords like 123456 or even password. The results about the usernames used are almost the same like the ones in Ciscos research. 2.4.1. Features of Kippo Kippo is implemented in python language. As we mentioned above, Kippo basically emulates an SSH server on port 22 and logs all login attempts to that port. Whenever a login is successful, Kippo monitors all the input commands of the attacker and replies to these commands in order to convince the attacker that she interacts with a real system. A list of the available commands can be found in Kippos directory. More specifically, the features of Kippo include: a fake file system. The attacker can add or remove files with the appropriate command Kippo saves files that have been downloaded by the attacker with the command wget, in a specific secured folder Kippo gives the ability to the attacker to add fake file contents, using for example the cat command provides fake output for some specific commands such as vi, useradd, etc. tries to fool the attacker with some reactions to specific commands, for instance exit command does not work, which means that the attacker thinks that has disconnected but still can be monitored by kippo. all the sessions are recorded and can be easily replayed with the initial timestamps all records are kept in an sql database. 2.4.2. Operation of Kippo Kippo records all the useful information in a log file but also in ansql database. The main tables of the database include: authentication table, containing information about the login attempt, the timestamp of the attempt and also the usernames and passwords that have been used client table, which contains information about the SSH client version that has been used input table, with information about the input commands that have been entered. Also, in that table we have information about the session id, the timestamp and additionally if the command was successful or not sessions table, containing information about the id of the connection, the duration and timestamp of the connection and the IP address of the attacker sensors table providing information about the ssh server and the IP address of the host finally, the ttylog table which, as mentioned above, contains information about how to replay sessions with the corresponding timestamps 2.4.3. Installation and Configuration of Kippo The installation of Kippo is quite easy if someone follows the instructions of the home page and installs the latest version of the software. In the configuration file of Kippo we can customize the honeypot according to our needs. We can edit the IP of the host if we want to change the default which is and also the listening port which is by default 2222. Port 2222 is an alternate port and may be quite useful for testing purposes but as long as most ssh attacks are detected on port 22, this choice would reduce the number of recorded attempts. Thus, it is necessary to change the default port to 22. To succeed this, we need root privileges to the system but this is not recommended due to security reasons. Instead, port redirection can be used as proposed in Kippos home page or by using other existing solutions, such as authbind []. In addition, in the configuration file we can change the name of the user in the interaction shell. By default, it is sales, which is quite attractive to attackers. Furthermore, we can set the desired password for our server. By default, it is 123456 which as we have shown above, it is included in dictionary attacks and could guarantee a large number of successful logins. Besides that, Kippo creates a dedicated password database, where we can add more valid passwords. Also, some other configurations include the directories of important folders such as the downloaded folder, a fake file system folder and password and input data storage folders. Finally, we can edit the credentials in order to connect Kippo log files with the sql database
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